
What is 2085.WORLD?

2085.world is an online cyberpunk riddle game where players dive into a futuristic world to unravel enigmatic puzzles across eight challenging levels. Players embody characters like Conny, a master hacker, Blyde, a stealthy soldier, and Prof, a rebel genius, to navigate through the digital shadows and uncover secrets.

The game's immersive narrative unfolds in a timeline where AI dominance and human-machine integration drive societal upheaval, culminating in a rebel mission to overthrow a superintelligent AI ruling the world. Players can seek assistance or dive deeper into the mysteries with premium packages for extra tips and exclusive content.



  • ✔️ Online cyberpunk riddle game.
  • ✔️ Futuristic world with challenging levels.
  • ✔️ Embody different characters with unique abilities.
  • ✔️ Immersive narrative with AI dominance theme.
  • ✔️ Premium packages for assistance and exclusive content.


  1. Enhance player experience by using AI to provide personalized in-game hints and clues tailored to individual player progress and skill level, increasing engagement and immersion in the cyberpunk riddle game.
  2. Utilize AI for dynamic puzzle generation, ensuring endless possibilities and challenges for players, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting across multiple levels.
  3. Implement AI-powered anti-cheat mechanisms to detect and prevent cheating behaviors, maintaining fair play and integrity within the online cyberpunk riddle game community.
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