
What is AiCanvas?

AICanvas, the innovative AI tool that revolutionizes video and image creation using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology. With AICanvas, users can effortlessly tell captivating stories through videos and images with the help of AI-generated text and editing capabilities. The tool allows for seamless editing, such as painting in/out elements, object removal, and image scaling, all powered by artificial intelligence. Additionally, AICanvas offers an animations editor that supports various file uploads, including gifs, videos, and lottie rive files, alongside a free web resource search for gifs, stickers, and shapes for added creativity. Users can also enjoy a free draw mode for unrestricted canvas drawing and quick exports for easy sharing and downloading. Discover the endless possibilities of visual storytelling with AICanvas today!



  • ✔️ AI-generated text for storytelling.
  • ✔️ Seamless editing functionalities (e.g., painting in/out elements, object removal, image scaling).
  • ✔️ Support for various file uploads (gifs, videos, lottie rive files).
  • ✔️ Animations editor.
  • ✔️ Free draw mode for canvas drawing.


  1. Create engaging social media content effortlessly using AICanvas's AI-generated text and editing features, ensuring eye-catching visuals and captivating storytelling for increased audience engagement.
  2. Enhance product images for e-commerce websites with AICanvas's seamless editing capabilities, including object removal and image scaling, to attract more customers and boost sales.
  3. Produce professional-looking video presentations for business meetings or educational purposes by utilizing AICanvas's animations editor with support for various file uploads, gifs, videos, and lottie rive files, enhancing visual communication and engagement.
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