
What is AnythingLLM?

AnythingLLM is the ultimate AI business intelligence local chatbot designed for maximum flexibility and privacy.It empowers users with full control over their data and documents, supporting integration with various LLM models including enterprise options like GPT-4, custom models, or open-source alternatives like Llama and Mistral.

It allows you to chat with you documents and data in private.With unlimited document support, AnythingLLM handles more than just PDFs, accommodating various file types crucial for businesses.Its desktop application ensures full privacy and security, operating seamlessly offline and communicating only with explicitly connected services.

Offering tailored customization options and a developer API, AnythingLLM provides unparalleled control and adaptability for businesses seeking advanced AI-driven insights from their documents.



  • ✔️ One-click Installation.
  • ✔️ Runs locally.
  • ✔️ Fully private.
  • ✔️ Custom models integration.
  • ✔️ Documents ingestion support.


  1. Chat with any LLM model from your desktop or Mac device in completely private mode.
  2. Converse with documents privately, gaining insights and extracting information efficiently.
  3. Enhance document management and analysis with integration of diverse LLM models.
  4. Create your own AI assistants and integrate them into your workflows without sending data to online models.
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