What is

AudioGest is an AI tool designed to transcribe and summarize audio and video recordings efficiently. With its automatic transcription feature, users can save time and gain instant insights into their content. The AI-driven summarization capability helps boost productivity by providing a seamless integration into your workflow. The tool allows users to get accurate transcripts in over 99 languages, including Dutch, German, French, and Spanish. Users can easily edit transcripts for precision and clarity, change speaker labels, and make corrections. The tool also supports various file formats for exporting transcripts, such as .txt, .doc, and .json. Additionally, AudioGest offers AI-powered summaries to quickly digest key insights from recordings. Custom solutions, APIs, and team-based options are available for organizations.



  • ✔️ Automatic transcription.
  • ✔️ Summarization capability.
  • ✔️ Accurate transcripts in over 99 languages.
  • ✔️ Support for various file formats for exporting transcripts.
  • ✔️ AI-powered summaries.


  1. Generate accurate and editable transcriptions of interviews and meetings in multiple languages with AudioGest, saving time and enhancing collaboration within international teams.
  2. Utilize AudioGest's AI-powered summarization feature to quickly extract key insights from lectures or webinars, improving information retention and productivity.
  3. Enhance content creation workflows by seamlessly converting audio and video recordings into text transcripts with AudioGest, enabling easy editing, sharing, and integration across various platforms.
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