
What is ChatWithDocs? is an innovative platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to facilitate seamless interactions between users and their documents. With a minimal integration effort requiring only two lines of code, users can swiftly log in and engage in conversations with their documents across a variety of formats, such as PDF, DOCX, DOC, PPTX, and TXT. The platform is versatile, offering compatibility with several programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and cURL, which allows for effortless incorporation into diverse software ecosystems. Leveraging the platform’s API, users can pose queries regarding the contents of their documents and obtain immediate, accurate responses. prides itself on its straightforward and transparent pricing model, where uploading a document costs two credits, and each question posed to a document incurs a charge of one credit. is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security, adhering to a stringent privacy policy and terms of service. This AI-driven solution is crafted to enhance productivity and streamline the process of information retrieval from documents, making it an indispensable tool for professionals and individuals who require quick and easy access to document content.
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