
What is ChordChord?

ChordChord is an AI-powered music making tool that helps users generate harmonic chords, create genre-based drum beats, fine-tune lyrics, and get instant inspiration for their next musical composition. With ChordChord, music theory knowledge is not required as the tool provides smart suggestions and guidance throughout the creative process. Whether you are a beginner songwriter or a professional producer, ChordChord's user-friendly interface and advanced features cater to musicians of all levels. Users can easily share and export their projects in various formats such as WAV, MP3, PDF, and MIDI, or continue working on them with professional music software. Start using ChordChord for free without the need to create an account or purchase a subscription, and let this AI-powered assistant unleash your creativity.



  • ✔️ Generate harmonic chords.
  • ✔️ Create genre-based drum beats.
  • ✔️ Fine-tune lyrics.
  • ✔️ Provide smart suggestions and guidance.
  • ✔️ Export projects in various formats (WAV, MP3, PDF, MIDI).


  1. Quickly generate harmonic chords for your music compositions with ChordChord's AI assistance, perfect for both beginner songwriters and professional producers looking to enhance their tracks.
  2. Effortlessly create genre-specific drum beats using ChordChord's intuitive tools, allowing musicians to experiment with different rhythms and styles in their compositions.
  3. Fine-tune your song lyrics with ChordChord's smart suggestions and guidance, helping users overcome writer's block and craft engaging and impactful verses for their musical projects.
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