
Discover unparalleled speed in data visualization with Columns, the platform that elevates the way you collaborate and communicate insights. Designed for effortless teamwork, Columns enables you and your team to engage with data using natural language and voice commands. Benefit from a system that understands your need for detailed access control, giving you the power to manage who sees what within your organization. Effortlessly curate your data catalog, making it simple and straightforward for everyone involved. With Columns, you have the capability to craft and share compelling data-driven stories, enabling self-service data exploration and presentation that truly resonates.



  1. Fast Data Visualization: Instant rendering of data for quick insights.

  2. Collaborative Teamwork: Easy collaboration features for team-based analytics.

  3. Natural Language Interaction: Utilize natural language and speech for data interaction.

  4. Fine-Grained Access Control: Manage user permissions with detailed access settings.

  5. Self-Serve Data Storytelling: Enable compelling data narratives with ease.

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