
What is Drawit.art?

Draw is an AI-powered tool that allows users to generate image-based sketches quickly and easily. With Draw, you can create sketches of various nature themes including landscapes, animals (both portraits and wildlife), and modern or historical architecture. Additionally, the tool offers art styles such as cubism, surrealism, and street art. Draw also provides options to create sketches related to technology, whether futuristic or vintage. The tool is built using Leap's Remix API and its code can be found on GitHub. With Draw, you can draw your sketch or start over with a clear canvas and submit to get an image inspired by your sketch.



  • ✔️ Generate sketches.
  • ✔️ Various nature themes including landscapes, animals (both portraits and wildlife), and modern or historical architecture.
  • ✔️ Art styles such as cubism, surrealism, and street art.
  • ✔️ Technology-related sketches whether futuristic or vintage.


  1. Creating AI art based your sketches.
  2. Generating different styles of AI generated Art based on drawing sketches.
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