
What is DrLambda?

DrLambda is an advanced AI tool that enables users to effortlessly create professional slides and documents.With its intuitive interface, users can easily build slides with just a click and chat feature for quick information extraction.

It offers a seamless experience for converting videos into slides and boosting productivity in knowledge sharing workflows.Whether you need to streamline content creation for social posts or upgrade slides to videos with customized voiceovers, DrLambda is your all-in-one solution.



  • ✔️ Professional slides creation.
  • ✔️ One-click slide building.
  • ✔️ Chat feature for information extraction.
  • ✔️ Video to slide conversion.
  • ✔️ Customized voiceovers for slides to videos.


  1. Effortlessly create visually appealing slides for professional presentations using DrLambda's intuitive interface and pre-built templates, saving time and maximizing productivity in the workplace.
  2. Quickly extract information and insights from chats to incorporate into slides or documents, enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members with DrLambda's chat feature.
  3. Transform video content into engaging slides with customized voiceovers using DrLambda, simplifying the process of repurposing and enhancing multimedia content for various platforms.
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