
What is FitComrade?

Fitcomrade is a personal fitness assistant AI designed to help you reach your fitness goals effectively. Easily track your workouts, water intake, and set fitness plans with this fun and easy-to-use app. Stay on top of your exercise goals and hydration levels with Fitcomrade.

Create a personalized workout plan that fits your needs perfectly. Get started on your fitness journey with Fitcomrade and feel awesome. With access to 1300+ exercises, food tracking functionality, water intake monitoring, and personalized workout plans, Fitcomrade offers essential tools to track your progress and stay motivated.



  • ✔️ Track workouts.
  • ✔️ Track water intake.
  • ✔️ Set fitness plans.
  • ✔️ Access to 1300+ exercises.
  • ✔️ AI-powered guidance.


  1. Track your daily water intake effortlessly with Fitcomrade's intuitive water intake monitoring feature, ensuring you stay properly hydrated throughout the day.
  2. Easily create and customize personalized workout plans tailored to your fitness goals with access to 1300+ exercises, helping you stay motivated and on track.
  3. Utilize Fitcomrade's advanced AI-powered guidance available in the pro plan to receive personalized fitness advice and unlock your full potential for a healthier lifestyle.
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