
What is Futuresearch?

futuresearch - AI Geopolitical Risk Forecasting Tool

Futuresearch is an AI tool designed for professionals in the field of geopolitical risk analysis. With the ability to produce comprehensive risk assessments from scratch in just 15 minutes, this tool offers a five-stage, AI-powered workflow that allows teams to analyze new scenarios on a daily basis. The tool enables users to search for scenarios based on daily news, identify historical analogues, research current events, and simulate future outcomes with accurate predictions. By leveraging AI technology to conduct applied history analysis, Futuresearch provides users with a unique perspective on historical data to understand the present and predict future outcomes. With a focus on accuracy and scalability, Futuresearch outperforms human forecasters in predicting near-term geopolitics outcomes across a wide range of scenarios.



  • ✔️ Comprehensive risk assessments in 15 minutes.
  • ✔️ Five-stage AI-powered workflow.
  • ✔️ Daily analysis of new scenarios.
  • ✔️ Search scenarios based on daily news.
  • ✔️ Simulate future outcomes with accurate predictions.


  1. Quickly generate in-depth geopolitical risk assessments using Futuresearch's AI-powered workflow, saving time and resources for professionals in the field of geopolitical risk analysis.
  2. Stay ahead of rapidly evolving geopolitical events by utilizing Futuresearch to analyze new scenarios on a daily basis and simulate future outcomes with accurate predictions.
  3. Enhance decision-making processes by leveraging Futuresearch's applied history analysis to gain unique insights from historical data and make informed predictions about future geopolitical developments.
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