
What is Giftit?

Giftit is an AI tool designed to help you find the perfect gift without the stress of guessing. Backed by the available beta, it introduces "Sherlock" - an AI assistant that anonymously asks your friends the right questions to uncover their preferences. Through Sherlock, you can seamlessly send messages via popular apps like WhatsApp or iMessage. Whether it's a birthday, graduation, or any special occasion, Giftit simplifies the gift-finding process in three simple steps, selecting a contact, choosing a friend, and letting Sherlock chat on your behalf. Sit back, relax, and let Giftit deliver the ideal gift every time.



  • ✔️ AI assistant named 'Sherlock'.
  • ✔️ Anonymously asks friends questions to uncover gift preferences.
  • ✔️ Sends messages through popular apps like WhatsApp or iMessage.
  • ✔️ Simplifies gift-finding process in three steps.
  • ✔️ Delivers the ideal gift every time.


  1. Find the perfect birthday gift for your best friend using Giftit's AI assistant, Sherlock, to anonymously gather their preferences through seamless messaging on WhatsApp or iMessage.
  2. Ease the stress of gift-giving for a loved one's graduation by using Giftit to effortlessly select a contact, choose a friend, and have Sherlock chat on your behalf to uncover the ideal gift.
  3. Simplify the process of finding a thoughtful gift for any special occasion with Giftit's three-step approach, allowing you to relax while the AI tool ensures the delivery of the perfect gift every time.
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