Hoji AI

What is Hoji AI?

Hoji AI is a cutting-edge AI-powered app that automates code reviews, speeding up the review process and ensuring high-quality, consistent feedback. By freeing senior developers from mundane tasks, Hoji AI helps teams focus on their best work. With a powerful AI pipeline built on top of GPT-4, Hoji AI provides impartial and conflict-free feedback without emotional bias.

The app integrates seamlessly with GitHub, automatically reviewing pull requests and offering customizable, hands-free code reviews tailored to the team's needs. Whether you need an auditor, security expert, or infrastructure engineer, Hoji AI has you covered.



  • ✔️ Automates code reviews.
  • ✔️ Speeds up the review process.
  • ✔️ Provides consistent feedback.
  • ✔️ Integrates seamlessly with GitHub.
  • ✔️ Offers customizable, hands-free code reviews.


  1. Automate code reviews efficiently with Hoji AI, saving time for senior developers and ensuring high-quality, consistent feedback on pull requests, leading to improved code quality and faster development cycles.
  2. Integrate Hoji AI seamlessly with GitHub to automatically review pull requests, customize code review processes, and provide hands-free feedback, allowing teams to focus on strategic development tasks and innovation.
  3. Leverage Hoji AI's powerful AI pipeline, built on top of GPT-4, to receive impartial and conflict-free feedback, tailored to the team's specific needs, enabling teams to make better-informed decisions and enhance overall code quality.
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