iMean AI Builder

What is iMean AI Builder?

imean AI Builder - Personal AI Assistant Creation Tool offers a unique AI Builder tool that allows users to create their own personal AI assistants. This tool observes and learns from your online activities to assist with a variety of tasks such as scheduling, searching, and shopping.

With imean AI’s intuitive learning capabilities, it can mimic human-like understanding and adapt to your needs seamlessly. The platform enables users to customize and enhance generated workflows and decision-making logic through drag and drop smart modules.

Additionally, imean AI provides a collaborative environment where users can simulate and share their innovative assistants within a thriving community of AI enthusiasts. By automating tasks and gaining insights, users can free up time to focus on what truly matters.



  • ✔️ Personal AI assistant creation.
  • ✔️ Observes and learns from online activities.
  • ✔️ Assists with scheduling, searching, and shopping tasks.
  • ✔️ Customizable workflows and decision-making logic.
  • ✔️ Collaborative environment for sharing assistants.


  1. Create a personalized AI assistant to manage your daily schedule by seamlessly syncing with your calendar, setting reminders, and organizing tasks based on your preferences and habits.
  2. Utilize imean AI Builder to develop a virtual shopping assistant that can recommend products based on your browsing history, wishlist items, and current trends, streamlining your shopping experience.
  3. Collaborate with colleagues to build a shared AI assistant for project management, allowing team members to automate repetitive tasks, track progress, and generate reports efficiently.
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