
What is Intervidy?

Intervidy streamlines the screening process for hiring with its AI expertise.Through meticulous CV analysis, this tool ensures that only compatible candidates are invited for interviews, tailored for success.

Candidates are provided with personalized invitations for convenient digital interviews, followed by AI evaluation that goes beyond traditional resume screening.Intervidy isn't just about filling a role; it's about finding the perfect fit for your team.

Key features include powerful CV scoring, personalized candidate experiences, interactive video interviews, and in-depth AI evaluation of responses.Elevate your recruitment process with Intervidy.



  • ✔️ CV analysis for screening candidates.
  • ✔️ Personalized candidate invitations.
  • ✔️ Interactive video interviews.
  • ✔️ AI evaluation of candidate responses.
  • ✔️ Powerful CV scoring.


  1. Automate the initial screening process by leveraging Intervidy's AI expertise to analyze CVs and select only the most compatible candidates for interviews, reducing manual effort and time spent on recruitment tasks.
  2. Enhance candidate experience by sending personalized invitations for digital interviews through Intervidy, ensuring a convenient and tailored approach that reflects positively on your company's recruitment process.
  3. Utilize Intervidy's AI evaluation capabilities to delve deeper into candidate responses during interviews, going beyond traditional resume screening to identify the best fit for your team and elevate your recruitment standards.
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