
What is JobHunnt?

JobHunnt, the AI-powered assistant that streamlines the job application process. With JobHunnt's job management dashboard, effortlessly organize and track job listings, applications, interviews, and follow-ups all in one place. Utilize the AI-powered resume and cover letter builders to create tailored application materials with just a click. Improve your chances of getting noticed by crafting resumes with the right keywords and analyzing them for optimization. JobHunnt's advanced features include ATS-friendly resume templates, customizable design options, and a browser extension for seamless job posting saving from LinkedIn and Google. Elevate your job search with JobHunnt's efficient tools without the hassle of manual crafting.



  • ✔️ Job management dashboard.
  • ✔️ AI-powered resume and cover letter builders.
  • ✔️ Keyword optimization analysis.
  • ✔️ ATS-friendly resume templates.
  • ✔️ Browser extension for job posting saving.


  1. Efficiently manage and track job listings, applications, interviews, and follow-ups using JobHunnt's job management dashboard, consolidating all relevant information in one convenient location for a streamlined job application process..
  2. Automatically generate tailored resumes and cover letters with JobHunnt's AI-powered builders, ensuring that your application materials are optimized with the right keywords to enhance visibility to potential employers..
  3. Utilize JobHunnt's advanced features such as ATS-friendly resume templates, customizable designs, and a browser extension for effortless saving of job postings from LinkedIn and Google, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your job search process..
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