
What is Link:RE?

Register Link, Alpha.

Register Link, Alpha is an AI-powered tool designed to help users organize and connect their thoughts effectively. It features a core capability to summarize and extract key sentences from long documents using a large language model.

By leveraging AI technology, it goes beyond simple keyword extraction by focusing on the meaning behind the words. Users can tag, summarize, and automatically connect their thoughts to calculate relationships among them. Register Link, Alpha also offers notifications for unused documents, allowing users to track the usage of their content.

Additionally, the tool provides a weekly report via email to help users derive new insights regularly. With functionalities like managing groups and preserving original documents, Register Link, Alpha is suitable for teachers, programmers, and project managers looking to streamline their thought processes and enhance productivity.



  • ✔️ Summarization of key sentences.
  • ✔️ AI-powered with large language model.
  • ✔️ Tagging and summarization of thoughts.
  • ✔️ Relationship calculation among thoughts.
  • ✔️ Notifications for unused documents.


  1. Create concise and impactful executive summaries for business reports effortlessly using Register Link: Alpha, enhancing communication within the organization and saving time on manual summarization tasks.
  2. Streamline academic research and thesis writing by generating summaries of lengthy research papers and connecting related ideas seamlessly with Register Link: Alpha, boosting productivity and improving the coherence of academic work.
  3. Enhance project management efficiency by automatically tracking document usage, calculating relationships among thoughts, and receiving weekly insights via email with Register Link: Alpha, enabling project managers to monitor progress and generate new ideas proactively.
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