
What is Lmstudio.ai?

LM Studio is a powerful AI tool that allows users to discover, download and run local LLMs on their own machines.With LM Studio, users can easily access a wide range of models from Hugging Face, including LLama, Falcon, MPT, StarCoder, Replit, GPT-Neo-X, and more.

LM Studio is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, with a simple interface that allows users to download compatible model files and run them locally on their machines.The app also supports GGML, LLama, MPT, StarCoder models from Hugging Face (LLama 2, Orca, Vicuna, Nous Hermes, WizardCoder, MPT, etc.

).One of the key features of LM Studio is its ability to run LLMs entirely offline, allowing users to work on their projects without needing an internet connection.This makes it ideal for those who want to keep their data private and secure.

LM Studio also supports in-app chat UI and is OpenAI compatible, making it easy to use with a wide range of models.The app collects data to monitor actions and ensure that the models are running smoothly, but all data remains local on the user's machine, ensuring privacy and security.

LM Studio is free for personal use and can be downloaded for Mac (M1/M2/M3), Windows, and Linux (beta).The app requires a minimum of 16GB RAM and 6GB VRAM, with support for Nvidia/AMD GPUs.LM Studio is expanding its team and has open positions on its careers page.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please fill out the LM Studio @ Work request form and allow us some time to respond.



  • ✔️ Discover and download local LLMs.
  • ✔️ Run opensource LLM.
  • ✔️ Pin models and chats to top.
  • ✔️ Runs offline.


  1. Discovering new AI models for personal or professional use.
  2. Running AI models on local machines without internet connection.
  3. Easily downloading and running AI models from Hugging Face with a simple interface..
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