What is

Mailvio is an email marketing platform tailored for influencers and creators who aim to monetize their followers effectively. With automation, AI-powered segmentation, and powerful workflows, Mailvio helps increase income by 233% without spamming followers or resorting to sponsored posts.

The tool allows for easy email campaign creation through a simple 3-step process, personalized connections with the audience, deep segmentation based on buying behavior, detailed analytics, and A/B split testing for optimal performance. Mailvio also features a drag & drop editor, transactional emails, and expert support for a seamless email marketing experience.



  • ✔️ Automation.
  • ✔️ AI-powered segmentation.
  • ✔️ Powerful workflows.
  • ✔️ Deep segmentation based on buying behavior.
  • ✔️ A/B split testing.


  1. Increase email open rates by 40% through AI-powered segmentation and personalized connections, targeting specific subsets of the audience based on their buying behavior for tailored content and offers..
  2. Streamline email campaign creation with Mailvio's 3-step process, enabling influencers and creators to easily design and send effective marketing campaigns without the need for extensive technical knowledge or resources..
  3. Optimize email performance with A/B split testing, allowing users to experiment with different subject lines, content formats, and calls-to-action to identify the most effective strategies for engaging and monetizing followers..
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