
What is Opinly.ai?

Opinly.ai is an automated tool for competitor analysis, offering real-time tracking of pricing and feature developments without needing data science skills.It targets both individuals and companies, simplifying market insights and strategic decision-making.

The tool makes it easy to gather valuable insights into market dynamics and strategic decision-making.With Opinly.ai, users can simply enter a URL to access key price stats and metrics, as well as alerts for pricing adjustments made by competitors.

Some of the main features of this tool include real-time price monitoring, and email reports that deliver key insights directly to your inbox.Opinly.ai is designed for both individuals and companies, making it particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises looking to gain strategic insights while saving time on complex data analysis.

Opinly.AI can help you stay ahead in the dynamic world of online business by transforming competitive analysis into a strategic advantage.



  • ✔️ Real-time pricing tracking.
  • ✔️ Feature development monitoring.
  • ✔️ User-friendly interface.
  • ✔️ Email reports.
  • ✔️ Automated competitor research.


  1. Identifying real-time pricing changes to adjust business pricing strategies accordingly..
  2. Monitoring competitors' feature updates to inform product development planning..
  3. Analyzing market dynamics to understand industry trends and make data-driven decisions..
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