What is is a photo-to-notes AI tool designed to effortlessly transform photos into well-structured notes.This app utilizes AI to convert images from classes, meetings, or whiteboards into organized notes that are securely stored in your account.

With real-time syncing capabilities, your notes stay updated across all your devices instantly.The tool also ensures data security by encrypting and securely storing your private information.Additionally, you can customize your notes using various templates to match your style, making it easy to capture, convert, and store notes from slides, meetups, or classes.

Integration with popular apps like Notion and Obsidian allows for seamless sharing and organization of your notes, providing quick access and better workflow management.



  • ✔️ Convert photos to structured notes.
  • ✔️ Real-time syncing across devices.
  • ✔️ Data encryption for security.
  • ✔️ Customization with various templates.
  • ✔️ Integration with popular apps like Notion and Obsidian.


  1. Easily convert classroom whiteboard photos into structured notes for quick reference and studying, ensuring important information is captured accurately and efficiently.
  2. Effortlessly transform meeting flipcharts and presentations into organized notes, facilitating better collaboration and knowledge retention among team members.
  3. Capture and convert conference seminar slides into detailed notes, allowing for easy sharing, customization, and integration with productivity apps for enhanced workflow management.
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