
What is Plerdy?

Improve user experience and boost conversion rates with Plerdy's suite of conversion rate optimization tools. From website heatmap analysis and session replay software to pop-up creation and website feedback gathering, Plerdy offers a comprehensive range of AI-powered tools to track, analyze, and convert visitors into buyers. Monitor user behavior, optimize A/B testing, and enhance SEO and UX with Plerdy's innovative technology. Trusted by a diverse clientele, Plerdy's tools provide real-time insights to help businesses of all sizes thrive and grow. Installation is quick and hassle-free, making it an ideal choice for marketers and ecommerce businesses looking to improve their online performance.



  • ✔️ Website heatmap analysis.
  • ✔️ Session replay software.
  • ✔️ Pop-up creation.
  • ✔️ Feedback gathering.
  • ✔️ A/B testing optimization.


  1. Analyze user behavior on your website through Plerdy's heatmap analysis, identify popular areas, and optimize content placement and design for improved user engagement and conversions.
  2. Utilize Plerdy's session replay software to visually track and understand how users interact with your website, pinpointing areas of friction or confusion to enhance the overall user experience and drive conversions.
  3. Create and customize engaging pop-ups with Plerdy's AI-powered tools to capture visitor attention, promote special offers, and collect valuable feedback to further optimize your conversion rates and boost sales.
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