
What is Pronounce?

Pronounce AI is an AI-powered speech feedback tool that provides instant feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and clarity.With multiple drills and conversational intelligence, it acts as your English speaking partner to help you build coherent and comprehensive conversations on various topics.

The tool allows you to confidently communicate, learn better ways to express your thoughts and ideas, and find and fix mispronunciations in your conversations.Additionally, you can easily add words and phrases to practice, record your speech, and receive feedback.

Pronounce offers free and premium plans along with a referral program for users.For professionals, Pronounce AI can be used in meetings to analyze conversations using conversational intelligence, user interviews, or repositories to gain valuable insights and a deeper understanding of customer needs.

It facilitates cross-functional collaboration and promotes upskilling and knowledge-sharing across organizations, especially in onboarding and training processes.With features like automated note-taking, transcribing, and summarizing, Pronounce makes English speech checking, confident speaking, and improving pronunciation accessible and efficient.



  • ✔️ AI-powered speech feedback tool.
  • ✔️ Provides instant feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and clarity.
  • ✔️ Offers multiple drills and conversational intelligence.
  • ✔️ Allows adding words and phrases to practice.
  • ✔️ Features automated note-taking, transcribing, and summarizing.


  1. Enhance your English speaking skills by using Pronounce AI to receive instant feedback on pronunciation, grammar, and clarity, allowing you to build coherent and comprehensive conversations on various topics..
  2. Utilize Pronounce AI in professional settings such as meetings or user interviews to analyze conversations using conversational intelligence, gaining valuable insights and deeper understanding of customer needs..
  3. Improve cross-functional collaboration within organizations by using Pronounce AI for onboarding and training processes, facilitating upskilling and knowledge-sharing through features like automated note-taking, transcribing, and summarizing..
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