Maximize the quality of your software with the advanced capabilities of, an AI-driven QA testing solution designed for today's agile development environment. At, our Autonomous QA Engineer revolutionizes testing by scanning your web applications and crafting meticulous bug reports preferred by developers. With instant feedback and significantly increased productivity, you can ensure that your apps remain bug-free.

The AI testing agent at dynamically adapts to website changes, identifies actions and objectives, and configures tests using your personalized credentials and data. It offers a seamless integration into your development pipeline, running tests in a browser to closely simulate manual testing, while providing real-time insights.

Utilize's smart evaluation system to obtain actionable insights and developer-friendly bug reports that include comprehensive details like console logs and network requests. These detailed reports facilitate debugging and can be easily exported to popular issue tracking tools such as Linear, Jira, and Clickup. also ensures that your team stays informed through instant notifications in your preferred messaging apps. By reducing the time spent on testing and eliminating the need for costly manual QA processes, developers can focus on innovation rather than maintenance. Embrace's futuristic AI testing solution and join the QA Revolution today.



  1. Autonomous QA Testing: AI-driven testing that autonomously scans web apps for comprehensive quality assurance.

  2. Real-Time Bug Reporting: Instant feedback and detailed bug reports, including browser console logs and network requests.

  3. Dynamic Adaptation to Changes: The AI platform swiftly adapts to new features and changes within your web app.

  4. Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with your existing development pipelines and major project management tools.

  5. Focus on Innovation: Helps developers prioritize product development and user experience over manual testing efforts.


  • What does the AI at do? uses an AI-driven testing agent to autonomously scan web applications and create detailed bug reports that developers can rely on.
  • How does benefit software development teams?
    The solution is designed to reduce the need for manual testing, saving time and cost while preventing potential production bugs that can affect customer satisfaction.
  • Can integrate with other tools and send instant notifications?
    Yes, bugs reports can be exported to issue tracking tools like Linear, Jira, and Clickup, and the platform sends instant notifications through your preferred messaging app.
  • How can I get early access to
    Early access to is available through a sign-up on the website, where new customers are welcomed regularly.
  • What feedback do customers have about
    Customers have praised for its ease of initiating test suites, integrating with CI/CD environments, the relevancy of feedback, and the revolutionary impact it has on product development.
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