
What is Qlient?

Qlient AI is an advanced artificial intelligence system designed to handle phone call intakes for businesses. Operating 24/7 with hyper-realistic voices, it seamlessly interacts with callers, summarizing conversations, scheduling meetings, recording calls, and arranging callbacks to ensure smooth communication.

Qlient can handle a wide range of customer inquiries, with advanced comprehension and the ability to escalate complex questions to human representatives for nuanced responses. What sets Qlient apart is its proactive nature, using cutting-edge natural language processing to anticipate client needs and provide personalized experiences, setting it apart from traditional reactive voice assistants.



  • ✔️ 24/7 operation.
  • ✔️ Hyper-realistic voices.
  • ✔️ Conversation summarization.
  • ✔️ Call recording.
  • ✔️ Complex question escalation.


  1. Automate your business's phone call intakes effortlessly with Qlient AI, ensuring 24/7 availability with hyper-realistic voices that summarize conversations, schedule meetings, record calls, and organize callbacks for seamless communication..
  2. Enhance customer service capabilities by utilizing Qlient AI to handle a diverse range of customer inquiries with advanced comprehension, escalating complex questions to human representatives for detailed responses, and providing personalized experiences through proactive natural language processing..
  3. Improve efficiency and client satisfaction by leveraging Qlient AI's ability to anticipate customer needs, provide personalized experiences, and ensure smooth communication, setting it apart from traditional reactive voice assistants..
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