
What is Qriginals?

qriginals is an AI tool that allows users to create and share unique and visually appealing QR code art.This tool embraces open-source principles and encourages users to explore and create beautiful QR code art.

Users can join the community, enhance their codes, and share their art.The tool offers a free trial with no credit card required.Examples of popular QR code art include watercolor cityscapes, cosmic space gardens, anime houses, and mythical creatures.

qriginals.com provides an immersive experience for QR code enthusiasts.



  • ✔️ Create unique qr code art.
  • ✔️ Share visually appealing qr codes.
  • ✔️ Explore and create beautiful qr code art.
  • ✔️ Join a community of qr code enthusiasts.
  • ✔️ Enhance existing qr codes.


  1. Creating unique and visually appealing QR code art for personal or business use.
  2. Enhancing QR codes with artistic designs for marketing campaigns.
  3. Sharing QR code art on social media platforms or websites.
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