
What is QuizSolver?

Quiz Solver AI-Powered Edge Quizzes

Elevate your academic performance with Quiz Solver's smart and privacy-centric AI technology. This study companion instantly detects quiz questions and delivers answers within seconds. Study smarter and faster while safeguarding your privacy with this universally compatible AI tool. Simply download Quiz Solver from the Chrome Web Store and launch it to experience advanced multiple-choice question solving. Explore subscription plans to unlock limitless solutions for quizzes and homework. Enhance your knowledge and intelligence with Quiz Solver, your ultimate academic assistant.



  • ✔️ Quiz question detection.
  • ✔️ Instant answer delivery.
  • ✔️ Privacy-centric technology.
  • ✔️ Universally compatible.
  • ✔️ Subscription plans for limitless solutions.


  1. Quickly solve practice quizzes and homework assignments by using Quiz Solver's AI technology to instantly detect and provide answers for multiple-choice questions..
  2. Improve academic performance by utilizing Quiz Solver as a study companion to enhance knowledge retention and understanding of quiz materials, leading to better test scores and grades..
  3. Protect your privacy while utilizing Quiz Solver to study smarter and faster without compromising data security, ensuring a safe and reliable tool for academic assistance..
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