What is Recapit stands as a cutting-edge, AI-driven news correspondent, offering users a bespoke daily digest of the most pertinent news stories, tailored to their specific interests. This personalized briefing is conveniently delivered directly to users’ WhatsApp or Telegram accounts. With the added interactivity of a chatbot, users can delve deeper into any story or event that piques their curiosity. Drawing from a vast repository of over thousands of diverse news sources, Recapit ensures a comprehensive and varied news experience. Users have the liberty to customize their news feed by selecting topics that resonate with their interests, adjusting delivery times to suit their schedule, choosing their preferred language, and syncing their devices to seamlessly integrate with the service for on-the-move updates. This innovative tool is especially suited for those who value staying well-informed on their own terms, providing a streamlined solution to keeping abreast of the latest happenings in the world.
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