What is

"Salam Chat," a cutting-edge AI-powered chatbot designed to help users easily learn about Islam. This innovative tool features a Halal filter, providing citations from the Quran and Hadith to ensure accurate information. Users can interact with the chatbot to get answers to frequently asked questions and verify the correctness of the provided information. Moreover, the chatbot actively invites scholars to curate and train its model, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the content. With a focus on safety for all users, including kids, the Halal filter ensures that only appropriate questions within the scope of Islam are addressed. Salam Chat is a volunteer-driven, open-source project with a roadmap for continuous improvement, welcoming contributions from engineers, designers, and Islamic scholars. Join the waitlist today to be part of this transformative initiative aimed at fostering knowledge and understanding within the Muslim community.



  • ✔️ Halal filter.
  • ✔️ Citations from Quran and Hadith.
  • ✔️ Interaction for FAQs.
  • ✔️ Invite scholars for curation.
  • ✔️ Safety focus for appropriate content.


  1. Provide an interactive platform for users to ask questions about Islam, receive accurate information supported by citations from the Quran and Hadith, and engage with knowledgeable scholars for a deeper understanding of the faith.
  2. Create a safe and controlled environment for users, including children, to explore and learn about Islam without encountering inappropriate content or misinformation, thanks to the Halal filter feature.
  3. Foster collaboration among engineers, designers, and Islamic scholars to continuously improve the chatbot's knowledge base, ensuring the content remains accurate, reliable, and up-to-date for the Muslim community.
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