
What is Sentelo?

Sentelo AI Tool, Sentelo is a powerful AI tool powered by Google and OpenAI's GPT models, offering reliable and transparent information retrieval capabilities. With Sentelo, users can quickly access fact-checked and up-to-date information along with relevant resources in just one click. Unlike chat-based AI tools, Sentelo is available 24/7, ensuring accessibility and speed even when dealing with heavy loads. Users can personalize their browsing experience by selecting their favorite functions and can look forward to upcoming features such as a prompt repository for enhanced creativity. Whether working on documents, PDFs, or websites, Sentelo is always there to assist with tasks like summarizing, explaining complex concepts, generating bulleted-point summaries, providing examples, and checking understanding. Start using Sentelo today to unlock its potential in writing and summarization tasks.



  • ✔️ Information retrieval.
  • ✔️ Availability 24/7.
  • ✔️ Personalization of browsing experience.
  • ✔️ Task assistance in summarizing, explaining complex concepts, generating bulleted-point summaries, providing examples, and checking understanding.
  • ✔️ Prompt repository for enhanced creativity.


  1. Quickly summarize lengthy research articles using Sentelo's accurate and reliable information retrieval capabilities, saving time and enhancing productivity.
  2. Utilize Sentelo to explain complex concepts in a simplified manner, ideal for educational purposes or client presentations, ensuring clarity and understanding.
  3. Empower content creators by generating bulleted-point summaries with Sentelo, assisting in creating engaging and informative materials for websites, blogs, or marketing campaigns.
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