What is TabSquare?
tabsquare offers a full-stack technology platform for restaurants, spanning customer channels, in-store, and online operations seamlessly. Their SmartPay solution is an end-to-end payment system tailored for the F&B industry, aiming to address various pain points. With features such as in-store dining management, online delivery solutions, delivery app integration, customer relationship management, data analytics, and AI engine "Aiden" for personalized experiences, tabsquare aims to enhance revenue and operational efficiencies for restaurants. Tabsquare serves various restaurant types like sit-down, quick-service, cafes, bars, food courts, and enterprise chains, providing solutions to simplify operations and improve customer engagement across different formats. With a proven track record of serving numerous restaurants across different countries, tabsquare's technology-driven solutions have been embraced by the F&B industry to enhance customer experiences and streamline operations.
- ✔️ Full-stack technology platform for restaurants.
- ✔️ SmartPay solution - end-to-end payment system tailored for the F&B industry.
- ✔️ In-store dining management.
- ✔️ Online delivery solutions including delivery app integration.
- ✔️ AI engine 'Aiden' for personalized experiences.
- Improve customer engagement and satisfaction in sit-down restaurants by utilizing tabsquare's AI engine 'Aiden' to personalize dining experiences, recommend menu items, and provide tailored service based on individual preferences and past orders.
- Optimize operational efficiencies in quick-service restaurants by integrating tabsquare's SmartPay solution for seamless end-to-end payment processing, in-store dining management, and online delivery solutions, streamlining the customer journey from ordering to payment.
- Enhance revenue growth for cafes and bars through tabsquare's data analytics capabilities, leveraging insights on customer behavior, peak hours, and popular menu items to make informed business decisions, increase sales, and drive profitability.