
What is texts.com?

Texts AI Tool, Texts is an AI tool that allows users to send and receive messages across major messaging platforms such as iMessage, WhatsApp, Telegram, and more. With a focus on privacy, messages are never stored on Texts servers and are encrypted before being directly sent to the messaging platforms. The tool offers AI-powered chat summaries for quick catch-up on ongoing conversations and the ability to draft responses with the integrated ChatGPT feature. Users can also translate messages into their native language and keep their inbox organized with features like message search, message archiving, and the ability to mark chats as unread. Texts also offers additional functionalities such as stealth mode for discreet message reading, message scheduling, and keyboard shortcuts for faster navigation. Customizable UI options, dark and light modes, and extensive keyboard support further enhance the user experience.



  • ✔️ AI-powered chat summaries.
  • ✔️ Draft responses with ChatGPT feature.
  • ✔️ Message translation.
  • ✔️ Inbox organization features like search, archiving, and chat marking.
  • ✔️ Additional functionalities like stealth mode, message scheduling, and keyboard shortcuts.


  1. Easily send and receive messages on various messaging platforms like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Telegram through Texts AI tool with end-to-end encryption for maximum privacy and security..
  2. Efficiently manage conversations by using AI-powered chat summaries to catch up quickly, draft responses with ChatGPT integration, and organize messages with features like search, archiving, and marking chats as unread..
  3. Enhance messaging productivity with Texts by utilizing functionalities like stealth mode for discreet reading, message scheduling, keyboard shortcuts for quicker navigation, and customizable UI options including dark and light modes..
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