
What is Transkriptor?

Transkriptor is an AI-powered online transcription tool supporting over 40 languages.It automates meeting note generation and facilitates collaborative remote work.Users can query the AI assistant for instant responses, transcribe in 100+ languages, and seamlessly edit transcripts.

The tool supports various file formats, including transcription from online sources, and offers quick turnaround times with up to 99% accuracy.With easy access across devices and rich export options, Transkriptor is a reliable and efficient solution for transcription needs.



  • ✔️ Automatic transcription of audio and video into text in over 40 languages.
  • ✔️ AI assistant for responding instantly to questions from conversations, videos, and voice recordings.
  • ✔️ One-click transcribing and translating feature.
  • ✔️ Support for various file formats.
  • ✔️ Access through mobile app and integrations with platforms like Zoom and Google Meet.


  1. Automatically transcribe and translate multilingual meetings and discussions into text with Transkriptor's AI technology, simplifying communication and collaboration for global teams..
  2. Generate meeting notes effortlessly by transcribing audio and video recordings in various file formats, allowing teams to work on documents simultaneously and enhancing productivity..
  3. Utilize Transkriptor's AI assistant to quickly respond to questions from conversations, videos, and voice recordings, saving time and improving efficiency in processing information..
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