What is Unishape?
The tool is called Unishap and it is a social AI avatar. It allows users to create a digital avatar in one minute and interact with others. Users can be creative and create a new virtual version of themselves or a metahuman in a free space to display treasure or share with friends. Unishap also allows users to create an incub IP for everyone in the community to contribute IP content and break barrier IP fan. Users can also mint ident token without border and digit ident NFT, ident certif, and issue exclus SBT (Soul Bound Token) badges to show social status.
- ✔️ Avatar creation.
- ✔️ Interaction with others.
- ✔️ Creating incub ip.
- ✔️ Minting of ident tokens.
- ✔️ Issuing exclus sbt badges.
- Create a virtual version of yourself or a metahuman.
- Display treasure in a free space to share with friends.
- Mint ident tokens and issue exclus SBT badges to show social status.
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