
What is VideoMyListing?

Video Listing by Airbnb is an AI tool that supports Airbnb listings by instantly transforming a property's details into a captivating marketing video in seconds. By simply inputting the listing URL, users receive a free, AI-generated video directly to their inbox, helping showcase their property in a visually appealing manner.

With the rise in video consumption, leveraging videos has shown to capture attention and improve conversion rates compared to text. Video Listing aims to help Airbnb hosts boost their bookings by providing a simple and efficient way to create engaging video content for their listings, aligning with consumer preferences for video-driven content.



  • ✔️ Instantly transforms property details into marketing video.
  • ✔️ Generates AI video by inputting listing URL.
  • ✔️ Provides free AI-generated video directly to user's inbox.
  • ✔️ Helps showcase property visually in an appealing manner.
  • ✔️ Aims to boost bookings by creating engaging video content.


  1. Quickly generate professional-looking property showcase videos for Airbnb listings using Video Listing without the need for video editing skills, attracting more potential guests and increasing booking rates.
  2. Enhance the visibility of Airbnb listings by incorporating AI-generated videos that effectively highlight the property's key features, amenities, and unique selling points, grabbing the attention of viewers and setting listings apart from competitors.
  3. Save time and effort in creating compelling marketing content for Airbnb properties by leveraging Video Listing's automated video generation process, allowing hosts to focus on managing their listings and providing a seamless booking experience for guests.
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