Bubbly AI

What is Bubbly AI?

Calenai is an AI scheduling agent with a humanlike voice that helps customers qualify leads, schedule appointments, and create outbound calls. Designed to sound and feel like humans, this AI tool simplifies intake processes and gives clients a personalized experience. Users can get started by contacting the team for a demo at (415) 727-3368. Calenai has been praised by customers for increasing demo rates by 2x, making it an effective solution for businesses looking to streamline their scheduling tasks.



  • ✔️ Lead qualification.
  • ✔️ Appointment scheduling.
  • ✔️ Outbound call creation.
  • ✔️ Humanlike voice.
  • ✔️ Personalized experience.


  1. Automate lead qualification processes using Calenai's AI scheduling agent with a humanlike voice, ensuring a personalized experience for each customer and increasing conversion rates significantly.
  2. Streamline appointment scheduling by leveraging Calenai's intuitive AI tool to efficiently manage calendars, set reminders, and send personalized meeting invites, ultimately saving time and reducing scheduling conflicts.
  3. Enhance outbound calling strategies with Calenai's AI agent, which mimics human conversational patterns to engage leads effectively, boosting outbound call success rates and improving overall customer experience.
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