
What is ChatInsight.AI?

ChatInsight, an AI-powered question-and-answer chatbot, utilizes the Large Language Model (LLM) to offer accurate, multilingual, and 24/7 consulting services based on semantic understanding. It can be trained with a customized knowledge base to answer enterprise-specific questions that make further breakthroughs on large language models like ChatGPT. It extends to various applications such as sales consultation, customer support, training, pre-sales, and post-sales inquiries according to the business's needs.

With ChatInsight you can build different types of chatbots like employee training bots to cccelerate onboarding by granting new hires access to files, documents, wikis & more.

You can also build customer support chatbots to aid support agents with necessary assistance and FAQ to help resolve customer's issues quickly. Another use case is creating marketing support bots for employees and clients alike. In short ChatInsight provides you with a way to develop your own custom chatbots trained on different tasks to help you smooth out business operations and workflows.



  • ✔️ Multilingual consulting services.
  • ✔️ Semantic understanding.
  • ✔️ Customizable knowledge base.
  • ✔️ Sales consultation.
  • ✔️ Customer support.
  • ✔️ Training.
  • ✔️ Pre-sales and post-sales inquiries.
  • ✔️ Employee onboarding.
  • ✔️ Assistance to support agents.
  • ✔️ Faq resolution.
  • ✔️ Marketing support.


  1. Streamlining resources and reducing costs for businesses with customized AI chatbots.
  2. Providing remote assistance and troubleshooting to clients, staff, or business partners.
  3. Creating intelligent AI chatbots as industry digital assistants.
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