
What is Corpus-X?

"Corpus-X offers a powerful AI tool called VizGPT, powered by GPT-4 technology, to empower data analytics and enhance user engagement. With VizGPT, users can easily upload, visualize, and query CSV data for data-driven decision-making. This AI-powered tool provides instant search and precise navigation through data with AI widgets, ensuring 24/7 engagement through dedicated chatbots on Discord and Telegram. VizGPT allows for deep insights and advanced search query capabilities, supporting various data integrations for flexible sourcing. Partnering with Corpus-X, a trusted AI development pioneer, VizGPT revolutionizes data analysis and interaction for seamless and informative user experiences. Get in touch today to explore AI solutions and transform your data interactions with VizGPT."



  • ✔️ Powered by GPT-4 technology.
  • ✔️ Data visualization capabilities.
  • ✔️ Advanced search query functionalities.
  • ✔️ Supports various data integrations.
  • ✔️ Engagement through dedicated chatbots.


  1. Empower your marketing team to analyze and visualize social media engagement data effortlessly with VizGPT, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize strategies for better results..
  2. Enhance customer support services by leveraging VizGPT's AI widgets and chatbots on Discord and Telegram, ensuring round-the-clock engagement and providing quick, accurate responses to queries and issues..
  3. Transform financial data analysis processes by utilizing VizGPT's advanced search query capabilities and deep insights, allowing for seamless navigation through complex datasets and aiding in critical decision-making..
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