
What is Kastro?

AI-First Customer Support Solution - Kastro

Enhance customer support efficiency with Kastro's AI-powered features. Utilize the GPT chatbot to handle repetitive questions and guide customers effortlessly. The AI workspace boosts productivity by collaborating with AI, while the help center provides customers with valuable tools and suggestions while they type.

Kastro allows support teams to prioritize important conversations by organizing and suggesting relevant articles from the knowledge base. Additionally, the human touch is emphasized for complex problems, ensuring faster and more personalized responses.



  • ✔️ GPT chatbot for handling repetitive questions.
  • ✔️ Collaboration with AI in the workspace for productivity.
  • ✔️ Help center offering valuable tools and suggestions.
  • ✔️ Prioritization of important conversations with relevant articles.
  • ✔️ AI capabilities for summarizing, expanding, and changing response tone.


  1. Automate customer support inquiries by deploying Kastro's GPT chatbot to handle repetitive questions, providing customers with quick and accurate responses without human intervention.
  2. Improve team collaboration and productivity by leveraging Kastro's AI workspace, enabling seamless integration of AI in daily support tasks and workflows for enhanced efficiency.
  3. Enhance customer self-service with Kastro's help center tools, offering valuable suggestions and tools as customers type their queries, empowering them to find solutions independently.
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