
What is Metaview?

Metaview AI Tool, Streamline your recruitment process with Metaview's automatic, AI-generated interview notes. Let Metaview handle note-taking and feedback sharing, so your hiring team can focus on what truly matters - engaging with candidates. Seamlessly integrating with your existing tools and platforms, Metaview captures interview details from various sources, ensuring a smooth workflow without disruptions. Compliant with privacy regulations, Metaview prioritizes data security and confidentiality. Tailored for recruiting, this purpose-built tool enhances your recruitment conversations by providing relevant and structured notes, eliminating the need for manual note-taking. From interview notes to candidate debriefs and scorecard automation, Metaview optimizes your recruiting efforts, allowing for more efficient and productive interactions. Experience the convenience of AI-powered recruitment support with Metaview today.



  • ✔️ Automatic AI-generated interview notes.
  • ✔️ Integration with existing tools and platforms.
  • ✔️ Data security and confidentiality prioritization.
  • ✔️ Structured notes generation.
  • ✔️ Candidate debrief and scorecard automation.


  1. Automate the note-taking process during job interviews with Metaview, allowing recruiters to focus on engaging with candidates and assessing their fit for the role..
  2. Enhance recruitment conversations by leveraging AI-generated interview notes from Metaview, ensuring relevant and structured feedback for each candidate interaction..
  3. Ensure data security and privacy compliance in recruitment processes with Metaview, which prioritizes confidentiality while capturing interview details from multiple sources for a seamless workflow..
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