Pixelz AI

What is Pixelz AI?

Pixelz AI is an AI tool that allows users to generate unique and realistic images, avatars, and text using AI algorithms. The tool uses a stable diffusion latent text-to-image model to generate photo-realistic results from text inputs. Users can create art in a variety of styles and use the tool's advanced upscaling features to enhance their creations. The tool also allows users to control the privacy settings of their profile and artwork. Pixelz AI is constantly improving its algorithms and models thanks to the work of its global community of mathematicians and developers.



  • ✔️ Generate photo-realistic images.
  • ✔️ Create art in various styles.
  • ✔️ Enhance creations with advanced upscaling features.
  • ✔️ Control privacy settings.
  • ✔️ Improve algorithms and models through community contribution.


  1. Create unique avatars for social media profiles.
  2. Generate realistic images for marketing campaigns.
  3. Create art in various styles for personal or commercial use.
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